For the New Intellectual: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand

For the New Intellectual: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand - Ayn Rand I usually don't review comic books but I'll make an exception for this book. There is no grey in her world, and this book read like a comic book. The real world is such that you can't have perfect liberty with perfect equality (moreover she doesn't care about anything but the individual so inequality would have no meaning for her). She's got this weird worldview that the business man is the ideal man. Critical reasoning and intellectual thought must agree with what she says it is or what a 17 year old says it is otherwise she will reject it without explication. She really does mean the things she said in her novels. The individual is everything the group is nothing. Greenspan, one of her accolades, said after the finically crisis became real, "I'm shocked, I can't believe it, the bankers self interest did not lead to protecting shareholders equity".