Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason

Fighting Back the Right: Reclaiming America from the Attack on Reason - David Niose An easy to digest book which hammers home its points. The right wing is mostly anti-egalitarian and are not freethinkers. That's how they see the world. The secular left tends to be exactly the opposite. They (we) want more fairness within society and we never accept authority alone as reason in and of itself. Give us data, science, empirical observations and reason and rational explanations. I don't care what others state if there is not logic behind the argument.

The biggest friend the left has is rational discourse. Whenever we enter the politics of name calling or silliness we are distracting from the facts surrounding the real issues and we are hurting ourselves.

The other warning that the author dwells on (and I agree with) is the fact that "corporations are not people too" and should not be given constitutional rights as if they are people. Most of the issues on the left can be argued in terms of corporations should not be given special rights (social security doesn't need to be privatize in order to make corporations rich, and so on).

All in all a pleasant little book to read and even reads like a long easy to read blog post.